Top 10k strings from Inspector Flukeit (1986)(Top Ten Software)[a2].tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   2 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
   2 T(T)=T(T)-I:
   2 T(S+E)=T(S+T)
   2 P$(S)+" & "+
   2 P$(P)+" replies":
   2 N$()+"05"+
   2 N$()+"03"+
   2 A$=A$+".":
   2 =O$(A)=O$(
   2 "1+(O2=15)":
   1 w#w=#w=.fw=+w2j
   1 u~*/0459:D
   1 t$(T)+" rattle":
   1 t$(S)+" safe just in case !":
   1 t$(I2)+" and says ""Ok":
   1 q$(O2)+" you notice a strange looking":
   1 q$(O2)+" with "+
   1 q$(A+I)+" move and then stop":
   1 p$(p)+" takes you through a small insignificant":
   1 p$(T)+" rushes out of the room":
   1 p$(M)+", the famous scientist of":
   1 p$(M)+"'s laboratory"
   1 p$(H)+". At the":
   1 p$(H)+"' room"
   1 a$="make out":
   1 a$="considerable sum for himself":
   1 a$="character wearing a tatty dog-collar"
   1 a$="asked to investigate!":
   1 a$="and gives it back":
   1 a$="4swear at "+
   1 a$="4have arrived at your destination":
   1 a$="'You might find the phrase ""Big knees"" useful !":
   1 Z,"0inside the dumb waiter. It is very small and","cramped which forces you to curl up. You notice a","button on the wall.","7"+
   1 Z,"0inside the car.","Although quite old, it is reasonably comfortable.","7the car"
   1 Z(Q))+""""
   1 Z$(O6,I2):
   1 YouBlundersPorkinsThe policemanThe vicarThe bouncerThe cookThe maidThe ghostProffessor MundleThe gardenerThe barmanThe labourerThe managerM
   1 X$(T)+"That was a pretty dumb thing to do!":
   1 X$(T)+"Hello there Flukeit old bean!, I've just":
   1 X$(T)+"Certainly my dear chap !":
   1 X$(T)+"Ah there you are !":
   1 X$(T)+"A fine friend you are !!!":
   1 X$(P2)+B$:
   1 X$(P2)+"Ouch that hurt !":
   1 X$(P2)+"I can't carry any more""":
   1 X$(P2)+"Gerr'orf":
   1 X$(P)+"Yeuch !!"" and looks quite ill":
   1 X$(P)+"What a mug !!":
   1 X$(P)+"There's something strange about this!":
   1 X$(P)+"Sorry, I'm broke !":
   1 X$(P)+"Sorry, I can't drive !!!":
   1 X$(P)+"Shhhh don't talk about it here!":
   1 X$(P)+"Oh dear ! - the truth has come out":
   1 X$(P)+"No!, that's not my type of thing!":
   1 X$(P)+"No !!":
   1 X$(P)+"Nice weather we're having !":
   1 X$(P)+"I think this needs a closer look!":
   1 X$(P)+"I don't know how to get there":
   1 X$(P)+"I can't !":
   1 X$(P)+"I Can't - I'm working !":
   1 X$(P)+"How gruesome !":
   1 X$(P)+"Free me first !!":
   1 X$(P)+"Don't distract me - I'm driving !":
   1 X$(P)+"Ah! You are obviously keen to join":
   1 X$(O9)+"Boo!"" rather feebly":
   1 X$(O7)+"Someone left my fridge defrosting !""":
   1 X$(M)+"Thanks for the lift and your":
   1 X$(M)+"Thank goodness for that !":
   1 X$(I2)+"I like a fellow who can take his":
   1 X$(H)+"You're not getting very far are you!":
   1 X$(H)+"We don't want any draughts here!":
   1 X$(H)+"This is a most strange affair. We're":
   1 X$(H)+"So - a wise guy huh!":
   1 X$(E)+"Well done Mr Flukeit sir.":
   1 W(P),T(S+T):
   1 V^_dKUeggi
   1 U,Z;" WAIT";S$(O
   1 U,O3;"  ":
   1 U,I;I$;S$(A
   1 The Some >
   1 T(W+O7)=B:
   1 T(T)=T(T)-I
   1 T(T)=T(T)+I:
   1 T(S+T)=T(S+E)
   1 T(S+H)=T(S+H)-I:
   1 T(O3)=T(O3)-I:
   1 T(K)=T(K)+I:
   1 T(I5)=T(I5)-I:
   1 T(I2)=T(I2)-I:
   1 T(I)=T(I)+T:
   1 T(I)+"% in this adventure":
   1 T$)+" tower. There is an ascending","staircase to the South, and an exit to the "+
   1 T$)+" tower"
   1 T$(O6)+" inside":
   1 T$(O1)+" to "+
   1 T$(I)+", you notice the letters":
   1 T$(H)+",":
   1 Radley Mansionj
   1 RPerfect TZX sampled from the original cassette by +Church of the Latter-Day Speccy
   1 R$(T,"remark")+"How morbid!":
   1 R$(T,"moan")+"I think my foot's gone to sleep !":
   1 R$(P2,"scream")+"I don't want it!"" and throws it":
   1 R$(P,"replie")+"Sorry, I was miles away!":
   1 R$(P,"replie")+"I've got better things to do !":
   1 R$(P,"replie")+"Don't be daft !":
   1 R$(P,"exclaim")+B$+"!!":
   1 R$(P,"exclaim")+"That be Heversham Church !":
   1 R$(P,"exclaim")+"No fear !!!":
   1 R$(P,"ask")+"Which church do you mean ?":
   1 R$(M,"add")+"You'll find help in my lab !":
   1 R$(H,"scream")+"thief - thief !":
   1 R$(A,"scream")+"Keep your hands off my organ!":
   1 R$(A,"ask")+"What are you staring at ?":
   1 R$(A,"Shout")+"How dare you abuse police":
   1 Q$(O2)+" with "+
   1 Q$(O2)+" skids across the road & smashes into a tree":
   1 Q$(A)+",":
   1 Q$(A)+" and enters saying":
   1 P=P-(P=I):
   1 P()=(O1=S+E
   1 P$(T)+"' face goes a funny shade of green":
   1 P$(T)+"' car is parked here":
   1 P$(T)+" waits":
   1 P$(T)+" trembles and says ""n-n-nice d-doggy !":
   1 P$(T)+" takes the map":
   1 P$(T)+" nearly passes out":
   1 P$(T)+" cowers behind you":
   1 P$(T)+" continues driving":
   1 P$(T)+" bumps into something and curses to himself":
   1 P$(T)+" brings the car to a gentle halt.":
   1 P$(T)+" arrives":
   1 P$(P2)+" giggles and drops "+
   1 P$(P2)+" flattens you":
   1 P$(P2)+" ducks out of the way":
   1 P$(P)+T$+B$+"s":
   1 P$(P)+T$+B$+"s"
   1 P$(P)+" waits":
   1 P$(P)+" takes the money and pockets quite a":
   1 P$(P)+" knocks it back and remarks to you":
   1 P$(P)+" goes "+
   1 P$(P)+" gives you a funny look":
   1 P$(P)+" gives an aggressive grunt as a reply":
   1 P$(P)+" enters":
   1 P$(P)+" drools and chortles":
   1 P$(P)+" consults "+
   1 P$(P)+" chats to you about some of the local":
   1 P$(P)+" blushes":
   1 P$(P)+" asks":
   1 P$(O6)+"'s face":
   1 P$(O6)+" stops you and growls":
   1 P$(O)+" to justice":
   1 P$(O)+" to judge":
   1 P$(O)+" at the usual":
   1 P$(M)+"'s laboratory. All around","4can see many scientific instruments. There is a big","blackboard on the wall. The exit is Southwest.",
   1 P$(M)+"'s bedroom.","4can see a big bed here, and a tapestry hanging","on the wall. The exit is South.","7"+
   1 P$(M)+"'s bedroom"
   1 P$(M)+" says":
   1 P$(M)+" - Pay up or else !!":
   1 P$(I3)+" says":
   1 P$(I3)+" orders and drinks yet another pint!":
   1 P$(I1)+" does some gardening work":
   1 P$(H)+"' room. It is full of his various","belongings scattered untidily on and around his bed.","1exit is South.",
   1 P$(H)+" opens "+
   1 P$(E)+" clasps a sweaty hand on your shoulder":
   1 P$(E)+" arrests "+
   1 P$(B)+" says":
   1 P$(A)+T$+A$+"s """
   1 P$(A)+" says """:
   1 P$(A)+" is carrying:":
   1 P$(A)+" enters":
   1 P$(A)+" and says":
   1 O2=Y(Q,I):
   1 O1=Y(Q,I):
   1 O$(T)+" rattles":
   1 O$(O1)+" smashes dissolving away some of":
   1 O$(O1)+" shatters revealing a key which was hidden":
   1 O$(I2)+" is inside":
   1 O$(I1)+" are unearthed!":
   1 O$(B)+" falls out":
   1 N$()+"04","9tidy well-kept garden. The path winds a","great deal, which seems to disorientate you.","3tidy well-kept garden"
   1 N$()+"04","0standing in a well-kept garden in the grounds","of "+M$+". It is full of various pleasant","plants and shrubs. The winding path here confuses","your sense of direction.","3pleasant well-kept garden"
   1 N$()+"04"+
   1 K$+"322","9small but comfortable study. Against the","Northern wall is a large bookcase. The hall is East.","7the study"
   1 Inspector Flukeit
   1 FLUKEIT   
   1 F(14)*7"),Z:
   1 F(14)")=I:
   1 E$(M)+" the mansion":
   1 E$(H)+" and asks ""You rang ?":
   1 D$(a)+",":
   1 D$(O9-L)+".",
   1 D$(L-O6)+"ern end of Scunsdale Road.","1road continues "+
   1 D$(L-O6)+"ern end of Scunsdale Road"
   1 D$(L-O3)+" tower. There are","stairs descending to the North, and an exit to the","South.","At the top of the "+
   1 D$(L-O3)+" tower"
   1 D$(A*H-T):
   1 D$(A)+".":
   1 D$(A)+", ":
   1 D"Flawed program, but a great little adventure" Overall 70% CRASH #43
   1 Colin Jordan
   1 C$="You are":
   1 C$="You are in a":
   1 C$="There":
   1 C$="Some":
   1 C$="Inside":
   1 B$=Z$(Q,O6
   1 B$=B$+"ED"
   1 B$=B$+"D":
   1 B$="trip":
   1 B$="drive":
   1 B$="OPEN":
   1 B$="LOOK":
   1 ADEHMQIMRUVXY[\^_cdgjmhmns:
   1 A=A*T+H+(B$="WEST"):
   1 A$=T$+A$+T$:
   1 A$=M$+" has been kidnapped, and we've been":
   1 A$=B$+" WHO ?":
   1 A$=B$+" WHAT ?":
   1 A$=B$+" IS NOT HERE":
   1 A$=A$+"takes one sniff at it and leaps for your":
   1 A$=A$+"s ":
   1 A$=A$+"ignores it":
   1 A$=A$+"crunches away on them quite happily":
   1 A$=A$+". He is shackled to the wall by some heavy":
   1 A$=A$+", an unshaven, suspicious looking":
   1 A$=A$+", a plump looking butler"
   1 A$=A$+", a heavy muscled anthropoid"
   1 A$=A$+", a bald man wearing some":
   1 A$=A$+", Your faithful sidekick & friend"
   1 A$=A$+"""":
   1 A$=A$+" with "+
   1 A$=A$+" shuts "+
   1 A$=A$+" over something in the darkness":
   1 A$=A$+" and asks":
   1 A$=A$+" "+B$:
   1 A$=A$+" "+
   1 A$="which makes "+
   1 A$="throat":
   1 A$="tell anyone about it!":
   1 A$="spectacles":
   1 A$="show you our club room!":
   1 A$="scrawled at the bottom":
   1 A$="property !"" and flattens you":
   1 A$="place.."" and ""He is near the key to the lab..""":
   1 A$="passage beyond":
   1 A$="our secret ""Knobbly Knees Appreciation Society"" I'll":
   1 A$="me in "+Y$+" in Cregley"" - It is unsigned":
   1 A$="lever":
   1 A$="knobbly knee contests for days - it was horrible !":
   1 A$="keeping "+
   1 A$="juggernaut":
   1 A$="inside it":
   1 A$="in your backside":
   1 A$="help. I trust that you will bring those two villains":
   1 A$="heard that "+
   1 A$="drink - have another !":
   1 A$="doorway and then leaves":
   1 A$="countryside and events":
   1 A$="compartment which contains a strange looking vase":
   1 A$="chains"
   1 A$="can make out the words ""Met "+
   1 A$="can do anything you like here as long as you don't":
   1 A$="but your way is blocked by "+
   1 A$="but you cannot get through the swarm of flies":
   1 A$="but the dog drags you back with his teeth firmly dug":
   1 A$="but it seems to be locked":
   1 A$="but it does not fit the lock":
   1 A$="but "+
   1 A$="bottom are some tiny letters which you cannot quite":
   1 A$="back. Try looking in the study !":
   1 A$="back":
   1 A$="and says ""You're nicked !!":
   1 A$="and clobbers you senseless":
   1 A$="about our meetings at ""The Dingly Dell Nightclub"". You":
   1 A$="You'll find it pays to alternate ":
   1 A$="YOU DON'T HAVE THAT !":
   1 A$="YOU CANNOT "+B$+" THAT!":
   1 A$="YOU CAN'T SEE "+B$:
   1 A$="With a hefty blow, "+
   1 A$="With "+
   1 A$="WITH WHAT ?":
   1 A$="WHAT!!???":
   1 A$="Tut tut - Shame on you !":
   1 A$="Time passes":
   1 A$="THAT IS NOT HERE !":
   1 A$="Something inside it rattles":
   1 A$="Someone":
   1 A$="Please take me home !":
   1 A$="Nothing happens":
   1 A$="Nothing at all !":
   1 A$="Most of the pages have crumbled into dust, but you":
   1 A$="IT IS ALREADY "+B$:
   1 A$="I've been forced by "+
   1 A$="I don't think you can finish this adventure in prison,":
   1 A$="His bloodshot eyes light up and he remarks":
   1 A$="Get the password from the dirty old vicar":
   1 A$="GIVE TO WHO ?":
   1 A$="Exit":
   1 A$="DON'T BE SILLY !":
   1 A$="CLOSE IT FIRST !":
   1 A$="Beside "+
   1 A$="As your hands brush over it, you trigger a secret":
   1 A$="Arrrgh - You die of food poisoning !":
   1 A$="Among the shelves you notice "+
   1 A$="Aaarrgh ! You die in agony!":
   1 A$="7you can see some money and a wand":
   1 A$="5was delicious !!":
   1 A$="5switches off":
   1 A$="5swings open with a loud creak revealing a dark":
   1 A$="5reads":
   1 A$="5makesh you feel shlightly shloshed":
   1 A$="5is too dark here to see anything!":
   1 A$="5is a picture of a church somewhere. In the corner":
   1 A$="5gives a blood curdling scream !":
   1 A$="4try to open "+
   1 A$="4try to go "+
   1 A$="4try to "+B$+" "+
   1 A$="4talk to "+
   1 A$="4swear":
   1 A$="4see a mouldy body and "+
   1 A$="4see a Ransom note addressed to "+
   1 A$="4see ":
   1 A$="4see "+
   1 A$="4quit":
   1 A$="4pass through a secret panel behind "+
   1 A$="4notice one which reads ""Bone but not forgotten":
   1 A$="4hiccup":
   1 A$="4hear some muffled cries coming from the room to":
   1 A$="4hear a strange creak coming from somewhere in":
   1 A$="4hear a loud click coming from somewhere":
   1 A$="4have solved yet another case for us !":
   1 A$="4have scored "+
   1 A$="4had better start again":
   1 A$="4go somewhere":
   1 A$="4go "+
   1 A$="4feel "+
   1 A$="4fall into the road and are crushed by a passing":
   1 A$="4cut "+
   1 A$="3strange expression passes over "+
   1 A$="1slab slides open revealing a room beyond !":
   1 A$="1mansion":
   1 A$="1lock shatters":
   1 A$="1flies settle over it clearing the way":
   1 A$="1flies buzz around angrily":
   1 A$="1dog leaps straight for your jugular":
   1 A$="1dog growls at you!":
   1 A$="1dog ":
   1 A$="1bookcase swings shut with a shattering echo":
   1 A$="1bookcase swings shut behind you !":
   1 A$="1East":
   1 A$="0travelling in picturesque countryside":
   1 A$="0dead":
   1 A$="0carrying:":
   1 A$="'you're nicked you kidnapper !":
   1 A$="'Who dared to blow that ?":
   1 A$="'We have "+
   1 A$="'TIEHSULOPNHSA"" which seem to have been hastily":
   1 A$="'Sorry, I don't understand you !":
   1 A$="'Rest in pieces":
   1 A$="'Please get me out of these chains!":
   1 A$="'No thanks - I'm not feeling hungry!":
   1 A$="'If coded words make you irate,":
   1 A$="'I've called the police - you grave robber!!":
   1 A$="'I see you got my letter - gosh I'm thirsty !":
   1 A$="'I have knowledge which you might find useful. Meet":
   1 A$="'I built a secret passage at "+M$+" a while":
   1 A$="'HELP ! They have taken me to our old meeting place.":
   1 A$="'Don't you think I've got enough work to do already?":
   1 A$="'Come in":
   1 A$=""""+Z$(Q,
   1 A$="     TICKLE ( and many more for YOU to find ! )":
   1 A$(I)="""":
   1 =P$(A)=P$(
   1 =O$(A)=O$(458
   1 =62EA)=62E3
   1 =621A)=62160
   1 =621A)=62150
   1 =620A)=62070
   1 =620A)=62050
   1 =620A)=62020
   1 ="thA)="the "+O$(245
   1 ="thA)="the "+
   1 9999999999888888888::88888
   1 99999999988888888888:::888
   1 999999999888888888888::888
   1 99999999888888888888888888
   1 9898899999888888888::88888
   1 98899999998888888888:88;;9
   1 98888888888888888888888889
   1 88888888888888888888888888
   1 2NDFLUKE  d
   1 1magnifying glass1vase1small key2shears  1torch1curious skull1tie1small diary1wand1spade2bones1map2meat2money2beer1letter1whistle2handcuffs1ransom note1flask of acid1magazine2cold turkey1feather dusterEastWestNortheastNorthwestSoutheastSouthwestslabookcasesuit of armourbellcarusty gatecoffinorganlevermouldy bodyplaquedumb waiterold trunkbuttonbedograve stonesbig fridgefront doorback doorfliesmall tabledrawerdesktapestryheavy chainsrope graffitiblackboardwaitsleepushinerestakereadropenclosexaminestrikeattackringivecutplaywearleaventerwavedigeatbuydrinkblowunlocktickle
   1 *          FLUKEIT Written by Colin Jordan
   1 )+". There is a path leading Northwest","around the side of the building.","1carpark outside "+Y$
   1 )+". There is a dog chained up here","which looks quite vicious! The path leads Southeast.","1entrance is East.","3rugged path outside "+Y$
   1 "thank you","thanks","What good is this to me?","Wow it must be my birthday"
   1 "how rude","same to you"
   1 "are some marks which you cannot quite make out","4can make out the letters ""SRKTEKLTOETELB"""
   1 "Yes, he's quite dead !!"
   1 "Y(1,1)*M+6990"
   1 "The Cregley Arms"e
   1 "Hello","Hello, hello, hello"
   1 "He looks quite a brutal monster !"
   1 "860","0inside ""The Dingly Dell"" nightclub.","6are many people here dancing to the blaring","music. On the walls are pictures of many men dressed","in rather too tight shorts. The exit is Southwest.","7the nightclub"
   1 "858","0in "+
   1 "8300+B+A+(A>0)*30":
   1 "723","9dark spooky crypt beneath the church.","5is dark, cold and full of cobwebs. There is a coffin","on a stone slab in the corner. The exit is Southeast.","1dark spooky crypt beneath the church"
   1 "662840","0on a well tended gravel path in the grounds","of "+M$+". It leads Northwest & Southwest.","3gravel path"
   1 "65511+T(K)"
   1 "65506+Y(1,1)":
   1 "64980",O1:
   1 "64979",O2:
   1 "64974",B:
   1 "62903+R",
   1 "62430",L:
   1 "62190"+Q,I:
   1 "62100"+Q,T(Q):
   1 "62100"+Q):
   1 "6200+B*25"
   1 "61505",A:
   1 "612","0at a small smoke filled bar. There are many","people drinking here who look at you very queerly.","4can go Northwest.","At the bar"
   1 "611","0standing in the carpark just outside","'"+Y$(T
   1 "61092",L:
   1 "5would appear to be written by "+
   1 "5is very tidy, and has a single drawer."
   1 "5is covered with writing & mathematical formulae."
   1 "5has a silver star on the end."
   1 "5depicts the surrounding countryside."
   1 "513","9dark damp-smelling cellar.","4notice some graffiti written on the mouldy walls.","1exit is Northeast up the steps.","8the dark cellar"
   1 "4see the cut rope."
   1 "4see a rank, rotten piece of meat (pooh!)"
   1 "4see a glossy magazine entitled ""Big & Bouncy""!"
   1 "4see a dusty coffin with a plaque on the lid."
   1 "4see a comfortable bed."
   1 "441","9small, cheerlessly decorated room, with a","dumb waiter set into the far wall. The kitchen is West.","1small, cheerlessly decorated room"
   1 "430","9dark dusty space located somewhere in","the attic. It continues West into forboding darkness.","1dumb waiter is set into the wall here.","1Eastern end of the dark dusty space"
   1 "421556","0at what appears to be a dead-end in a","round chamber. There is a huge slab of stone on the","Northeast wall. The exit is West.","1round chamber"
   1 "418","9small dirty room which looks very much","like a prison cell. There are some heavy chains fixed","to the far wall. The exit is West.","1small dirty room"
   1 "411753","0inside "+Y$+". It is full of","dubious looking characters who stop talking as soon","as you enter. The bar is Southeast. The exit is West.","7"+Y$
   1 "352","0at the Western end of the dark dusty space.","5continues East.","1Western end of the dark dusty space"
   1 "343436854","9small grotty hallway running East-West.","6are some steps descending Southwest into the","darkness.","1small grotty hallway"
   1 "335437","9long hallway running East-West.","1long hallway"
   1 "312751","0on rugged path just outside the entrance to","'"+Y$(T
   1 "306","0standing in a small neat study in your house.","4can see a tidy desk among the pleasant looking","furniture. There is a door to The East","1study in your house"
   1 "28")+" wing corridor.","6is an exit North. The corridor continues "+
   1 "28")+" wing corridor"
   1 "259364","9small room at the back of the nightclub.","1nightclub is south. The entrance to a small room","to the East is tied off by many strands of heavy","rope.","1small room at the back of the nightclub"
   1 "257517","9dark twisting passageway.","4can go Northeast or South.","3dark twisting passageway"
   1 "255815","9dark cramped tunnel which smells damp.","6are some ascending steps South. The tunnel","leads Southwest.","3dark cramped tunnel"
   1 "243","0in "+
   1 "242314422","0in the sitting room. It is luxuriously furnished.","6is a bell mounted on the wall, and exits South,","East & West.","8the sitting room"
   1 "240310443","0in the kithchen. It is hot and full of steam","which makes you sweat. There is a big fridge here. The","back door is South, and there are exits East & West.","8the kitchen"
   1 "24")+". There is a bedroom to the North.",
   1 "24")+" wing corridor.","5continues "+
   1 "24")+" wing corridor"
   1 "238739","0on the drive outside "+M$+".","1mansion has very ornate architecture and seems","to contain many rooms. There is a bell near the front","door to the South, and a path leading Southeast.","1drive outside "+M$
   1 "23673",Z:
   1 "234313","0in the "+
   1 "23370+P",I:
   1 "23295+L",Z:
   1 "23295"+L,I:
   1 "228","0in the guest bedroom. There is a bed here,","and an old trunk near the wall. The exit is South.","1guest bedroom"
   1 "227","0inside "+
   1 "223","9church which gives you the feeling that","it has been neglected. There is a church organ in the","far corner. The exit is South.","7the church"
   1 "216559","0outside ""The Dingly Dell"" nightclub.","5looks like a very seedy place. The entrance is to","1Northeast, and the carpark is South.","Outside ""The Dingly Dell"" nightclub"
   1 "20+(X=41)":
   1 "166244341413","9small, dimly-lit corridor which is","obviously intended for the servants use only. The","corridor runs East-West. There is a room North, and","an awful smell coming from the small room to the","South.","1dimly-lit corridor"
   1 "162222","9pleasantly decorated hall which","continues South. The front door is to the North.","1hall, by the front door"
   1 "160","9very grotty looking carpark.","4can hear some awful music which seems to be","coming from the North.","1grotty looking carpark"
   1 "157358","9dark roughly hewn tunnel.","4can go North & East.","3roughly hewn tunnel"
   1 "143","0inside the servants toilet! There is a terrible","smell here which makes you feel quite ill. The exit is","to the North.","1servants toilet"
   1 "141263405539","0outside the back door of "+M$+".","1door is North. There are paths leading Northeast","and West, and a gardening shed to the South.","Outside the back door"
   1 "140","4stand in a dusty, cluttered gardening shed full of","various gardening tools. The exit is North.","7the gardening shed"
   1 "138226337420","0in the hall. There is an ascending staircase","to the South. There are rooms East & West.","1hall continues North.","1hall, at the bottom of the stairs"
   1 "137","0in the dining room. Among the nice antique","furniture, there is a small table in the corner.","6is a dumb waiter set into the eastern wall. The","sitting room is North.","8the dining room"
   1 "136232","0at the top of the "+
   1 "134328","0at the end of the "+
   1 "129326432","0in the "+
   1 "125331426"
   1 "124265661","4stand in a mist shrouded churchyard among many","grave stones. There is a path leading North towards","the church and South towards the country lane. There","are some steps descending Northwest past a rusty","gate which seem to lead beneath the church.","1churchyard"
   1 "123","9quiet country lane. To the North there is","1churchyard.","1quiet country lane"
   1 "122327428","0on the landing. There is a suit of armour here","standing as if on guard. There are stairs descending","North, and exits East & West.","1landing at the top of the stairs"
   1 "117","9very dark gloomy tunnel. You can hear","water dripping down from the dank mouldy walls. Your","breathing makes eerie echoes ahead of you.","1dark gloomy tunnel"
   1 "115221325","0inside a large cavernous chamber somewhere","beneath "+M$+". There is a huge swarm of","flies buzzing around here. The chamber leads North","and South. There is an exit East.","1large cavernous chamber"
   1 "107208409","0standing in Scunsdale Road which is full of","noisy traffic and people going about their business.","1entrance to your house is West through the door.","1road continues North & South.","8Scunsdale Road"
   1 "106","0at the "+
   1 "1+(L=42)+(2*(L=10))"
   1 "(23295+L)"
   1 "'Get lost - I hate the sight of you","'No-one is allowed in without a tie"
   1 "'"-L)+".",
   1 "#"-L)+".","1end of the "+
   1 " waits.":
   1  waits. talks to  says "hello"=
   1  is here.carrying:You can see:
   1  ()34;<CDLM]^ijst
   1  !'*/0=>ABMNRSXY^_bcghmnrsyz
   1                 [ PRESS ANY KEY ]